Saturday, August 13, 2022

A Little Excess, As A Treat

 To kickstart my thousand-year reign of blood, how about a model I finished recently?

A fine figure of a fiend.

Pardon the shoddy photography, I'm still new to actually taking pictures of the things I paint.

This is one of maybe 10(?) daemonettes I found in my dad's things. At some point, I realised I've never painted purple up until now, and decided to change that. Primed with Vallejo Surface Primer White, basecoat is GW Air Chemos Purple, courtesy of my good friend-manager who gave me some of his spare paints. From there, I did the skin tones by using GW Slaanesh Grey for the highlights and either GW Druchii Violet or Magos Purple for the shading. This worked well by sheer accident on the right glute, giving this vague sex icon at least half an incredible ass.

Behold, a singular cheek.

 If my foggy memory serves correctly, the pincers were done with several coats of a black or dark brown wash. One was Army Painter's Dark Tone, one was GW Cryptek Armourshade Gloss, and any others are lost to time. The other claws and eyes were done with a layer of AK Interactive's Black followed by Cryptek Armourshade Gloss to save me finding my gloss varnish.

The cloth was done in a similar way to the pincers, although I'm not as satisfied with the outcome. I wanted to get a softer look on the fabric, so I went with multiple washes over a pale basecoat. This ended up giving me a... passable dark tone. It doesn't show as badly on screen though.

Gold gubbins are just GW Retributor Armour, base is just GW Slaanesh Grey with a drybrush of... Slaanesh Grey? Yeah, turns out these two different paints have the same name, and I only just realised this.

All for now. Stay tuned for additional blathering.

Testing 1-2-3

 Wee woo wee woo... is this thing on?

Looks like I was able to get into my Dad's old painting blog. To all zero of his blog's die-hard fans, I regret to announce that he passed away back in 2019, mistakenly leaving his hobby supplies to me, his son. As much as I wish I could elaborate on that more, nothing comes to mind at the moment.

I hope to take this over for myself and start posting some of my own painting projects here. I often come across little bits and tiddles of painting information that I want to share, but have an astounding one friend that paints, and he's my manager, which makes a 2 AM text about the joys of acrylic mediums inadvisable.

All for now. Stay tuned for hot'n'steamy gorbag.