Friday, August 12, 2011

So, a blog spot to play with!

A few recent painting sessions to show off.

First up, we have a heroic fighter of unknown provenance but dating from the early 1980s. This fine fellow is rich and can afford to look spiffy in his purples:

Next up, a pack of grey wolves, miniatures from Reaper:

Another Reaper figure, one of their highlanders:

 A handful of Games Workshop Empire State Troops. I needed these as city watch for a D&D game and I wanted to experiment with colours for an eventual Marienburg-themed force:

This keen chap is another oldie. I think he's a Citadel figure from the mid-1980s. Ranger looking for trouble. *edit 15 August: not just any old ranger looking for trouble, this one. I'm pretty sure it is the 'on foot' figure from the 1985(ish) "Aragorn, foot and mounted"*:

And this young lady is from Reaper.  Magenta was a popular colour back in the days of swashbuckling derring-do:

Treehuggers come out to play. Wood Elf Bloodbowl team, trying to look fierce and intimidating:

Richter Krueger and his Cursed Company waving swords and bony fingers at the cruel world:

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