Monday, November 5, 2012


Several years ago I purchased two of the "Battle For Skull Pass" Warhammer boxed sets so my son could play with bunches of goblins. Well, that left the Dwarves, so I started painting and added a few more units.

The first Dwarves were painted in a scheme very similar to the one illustrated by GW (my son loves blue), but I wasn't happy with that, so a quick bath in Simple Green ensued, followed by another trip across the painting table for fresh uniforms.

I've played a grand total of one game of Warhammer Fantasy with the version 8 rules and the Dwarves won. They still added a new grudge to The Book, however. Those darned vampires shouldn't have been in our mountains to start with!

Anyway, on with the show. The current theme was inspired by roleplaying with friends using the old, old Chaosium system "Runequest", set in a bronze age world. So, Dwarves as hard as the stone they're associated with and dressed primarily in bronze...

The chieftain, his standard bearer and assorted junior officers, including a rune master:

The immovable front line, two units of warriors flanking a unit of longbeards:

Fire support provided by Thunderers with their mastercrafted firearms:

and Quarrelers with the finest, dwarf-manufactured arbalests:

Turning up (hopefully) behind the enemy's lines should be the Miners:

All these "fighting" Dwarves are ably supported by the Guild of Engineers, lead by the Master Engineer and his apprentices:

The engineers have brought along an organ gun:

A pair of bolt throwers:

A pair of cannon, for when big, solid balls are needed:

And a grudge thrower (catapult being such an unseemly human word):

Last, but not least, the Royal Dwarfish Air Arm is represented by an engineer in a gyrocopter:

The force assembled:

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