...so I gave in to the craving and pulled out a couple of old figures to mess around with potential colour schemes. I like the High Elves in their white cloth robes and bright armour. I like the fluff for Avelorn and Alarielle. So, here we have white and shiny Elves with green and red tertiary colours to represent troops from Avelorn. I wanted bright greens for fresh growth and a bright red shading to pink for Alarielle's influence.
A pair of spearmen:
and a pair of archers:
I liked the old Empire figures that looked a lot like landsknechts. I like the Kislev range; I have lots of Kislev units and decided to make an allied contingent for the Kislevites with the gaggle of Empire figures I have. Ostermark seemed like a good provincial choice - shared border, shared foes (chaos), interesting colour scheme. So here are a pair of handgunners decked out as Ostermark state troops: