Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Evil Empire Calls To Me

Yep, I'm being seduced by GW again. The release of the new High Elves army book is what did it. Pretty new models, shiny toys, the Everqueen rereleased with a new sculpt... I gave in to the craving and pulled out a couple of old figures to mess around with potential colour schemes. I like the High Elves in their white cloth robes and bright armour. I like the fluff for Avelorn and Alarielle. So, here we have white and shiny Elves with green and red tertiary colours to represent troops from Avelorn. I wanted bright greens for fresh growth and a bright red shading to pink for Alarielle's influence.

A pair of spearmen:

and a pair of archers:

I liked the old Empire figures that looked a lot like landsknechts. I like the Kislev range; I have lots of Kislev units and decided to make an allied contingent for the Kislevites with the gaggle of Empire figures I have. Ostermark seemed like a good provincial choice - shared border, shared foes (chaos), interesting colour scheme. So here are a pair of handgunners decked out as Ostermark state troops:

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