Friday, July 19, 2013

And Off We Go In A New Direction

The "what shall I paint today?" dilemma was once again rearing its head when, riding to my rescue came our local LGS. Someone is about to run a 40K escalation league. Now, I've never played 40K and have often poked fun at it but, curse them, GW make some cool models for the system and quite a lot a few may have "accidentally" found their way into my stash, so this seems like a good time to pull them out and get them painted.

About ten years ago, I collected a small force of Eldar Harlequins, cos they were cool and dynamic and had a really funky PDF army list. Back then, they were dressed in yellow, orange and green clothes, all of which have a shimmery, irridescent coating on them which the camera cannot pick up, but which is visible in the flesh. We are no longer in the 'noughts and fashions have changed; the Eldar may be staid and aloof but even they pick up on such things eventually. So, say goodbye to:

as they prepare for a plunge into the Simple Green bath.

Sadly, the Solo is no longer allowed to fight, which is a shame because he was pretty scary from the little I remember. He will have to watch from the wings as the Shadowseer steps into the performance.

And so, off they go...

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