Saturday, June 29, 2013

Reaper Warriors Meet Paint

Whilst carefully avoiding painting models that might accidentally lead to the completion of any given army or collection, I have been grabbing figures from the Reaper collection and adding colour to them.

These four will end up being used to represent some heroic types in an ongoing Runequest campaign (ongoing since about 1985).

First up we have a hero of the Lunar empire:

Our hero started with a black primer coat and was painted using Humbrol enamels (flesh, red, white), Model Master enamels (leather, spear shafts) and Humbrol acrylics (metal areas). the Humbrol acrylic metallics are really nice paints.

Our next mighty warrior is a Storm Bull, hence the helmet and the runic decorations on his shield:

Again, a mixture of enamels and acrylics. This lad is supposed to be from dry and dusty plains, so I wanted to give him a darker skin tone.

He has a friend, who evidently uses his shield as a weapon some of the time:

And lastly, a more refined and northern type, with richly decorated armour and a certain dragonish theme. For those who are familiar with Runequest/Glorantha, this will either get him killed on sight or possibly leave him in a calm zone approximately a mile in radius...

I was disappointed with the way the Model Master enamel did not cover well on the first application over Humbrol enamel red, but then I looked at it from a couple of feet away and thought "that's a fairly cool fire effect".

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