Saturday, July 1, 2017

And Another Post on 15mm Models...

Almost done with the catch-up posts. Still working through 15mm BF products, but skipping forward to 1985 and Team Yankee, Cold War gone hot in Germany.

I started with a Russian force, to provide opposition to other players while I waited on the British to come out, then I bought an American force because we suddenly had too many Soviet players, then the British I had been waiting on came out, so...I have lots of TY models to work through.

There's the possibility of a firestorm campaign for TY in August, so I have been concentrating on the Soviets, hoping to get the entire army assembled and painted in time. Here is part of it.

First up, a battery of six 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 122mm howitzers. three of these are Zvezda plastic, three are BF multimedia. The Zvezda ones are cheap, accurate, go together well but the detail is shallow. BF's ones are expensive, go together OK (but not as easily as the plastics) and have very deep details. At the end of the day, they look OK mixed together. Main colour is from Tamiya, to match (if teh interwebz is correct) the dark green used by Soviet Russia in the 1980s. Note that the photos show how much difference is made by ambient light - same models, different lighting conditions, the green changes shades).

A pair of Zvezda plastic Shilkas are providing air cover. Cheaper and nicer than BF's multimedia offering.

Then, a BMP horde. BF models.

 Scouts, BMP-1s or BMP-2s.

last up, a PRP-3 artillery spotter vehicle, model from Old Glory:

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